[BlueOnyx:16013] 5208R remove DNS records from broken VPS

Colin Jack colin at mainline.uk
Tue Sep 23 08:43:24 -05 2014

This is probably one for Michael.

I have a 5208R VPS which I use as a secondary DNS server.
I imported the records from another 5106R server using dns-slavezones.pl / dns-import-slavezones.pl as per CMU instructions.
All appear correctly in the GUI but /etc/named/named is empty apart from the base settings:

[root at ns4 extra]# ls /etc/named/named
pri.0.0.127.in-addr.arpa  root.hint

... and it is obviously not able to answer queries.

I have tried adding a new record to see if anything appears, but it does not.
I have tried a manual update from the primary and again it just says queued but goes nowhere.

My logic says clear it out and re-import?



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