[BlueOnyx:17094] Re: Two small 5208R bugs

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sun Feb 22 21:47:03 -05 2015

Hi Dan,

> We upgraded one of our 5108R machines to 5208R last month.  Stirling 
> work Michael and everyone involved.

Very well. :-)

> 1) PermitRootLogin is getting overwritten as the only option is yes or 
> no. 
> 2)In the same vein /root/.bashrc is re-created each time we update.  We 
> have to remove the echo lines as rsync doesn't like it.  We are happy to 
> do it once to each box but it keeps coming back again on update.

Good points. I'll fix it so that these two changes only happen if the
initial setup has not yet been completed. So in the future it'll only
kick in on a fresh install, but not during an upgrade from 510XR to
520XR. During a "yum update" without platform change it doesn't happen

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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