[BlueOnyx:19083] Re: BlueOnyx interface access with Windows 10 Edge browser does not work

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jan 28 13:01:05 -05 2016

Hi Jim,

> Michael, will this upgrade process affect things like openwebmail that we 
> have installed? I assume something happens during this process with regard 
> to PHP ? Anything I should think about evaluating before performing this 
> upgrade approach? 

Like Chris said: Anything that was running already will continue to run.
The update only affects the GUI.

Some PKGs are available in newer versions on 520XR than for 510XR. This
doesn't just mean that they have the new GUI instead of the old, but
also means: More functionality.

So it's very likely that after the upgrade from 510XR to 520XR you will
see a couple of new PKGs available. Provided your subscription to
NewLinQ (expiry date of linked PKGs) is more recent than the publishing
date of said PKGs.

So a new AWStats, AV-SPAM, APF, Automated Backup and Dfix2 PKG might be
listed after the upgrade. Install them and you'll also get the GUI back
to manage them. NewLinQ and WebApp PKG have since long the bits for both
old and new GUI.

OpenWebmail? Not affected. It'll continue to work. PHP? Same. The
package is actually identical for 510XR and 520XR as it has no GUI bits.
All WebApps? They don't have any GUI bits, as the WebApp installer
handles it. So they're fine, too.

All in all: If your support subscription for purchased packages hasn't
run out yet (or did run out no more than 4-5 months ago), then this
upgrade from 510XR to 520XR is pretty seamless. You gain functionality
without loosing anything.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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