[BlueOnyx:20322] Re: Feature Wish

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Nov 30 13:49:45 -05 2016

Hi Dirk,

> Is there a possibility to build a function that the actual use of the group quota can be display in the general settings menue of a site (for example und quota settings like xxx MB in use)?
> Is there a possibility to build a function that actual use of user quota can be displayd at the user account site(for example und quota settings like xxx MB in use)?

Sure, that's no problem. I can add a display of group quota and actual
usage to the GUI page "Site Management" / Site / "General Settings" and
a display of user quota (and actual usage) to the page where you modify
a user.

The question is if the "General Settings" page is the right place for
this. In essence it would be a partial replication of what we already
have under "Site Management" / Site / "Usage Information" / "Disk",
which gives a comprehensive overview over all of this.

Right now when you select a Vsite from the Vsite list to manage it, the
first page that comes up is "User Management" / "User List".  This could
be changed to something else.

I'd suggest this: A new Vsite "portal page" that gives a quick overview
about disk usage and logfile usage. Additionally it has a table that
gives a quick overview over which features are enabled for the Vsite.
and informs which aliases (web and email) it has. This new page could be
anchored at the 2nd vertical menu entry on the left, which currently has
the firefox icon and just shows the Vsite name.

> And I wish to have an official feature wish list at blueonyx.it with
> votes for a wish ;)

Ok, we'll pick some nice software for that and bring that page back.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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