[BlueOnyx:21588] logout page: hit [Enter] key

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Mon Dec 18 12:08:59 -05 2017

hello dear BlueOnyx GUI designers!

a detail:

to log out from the admin page, one has to click on the key icon on the upper right of the page; then, go down with the mouse to click on the [ √ logout ] button, right?

I always missed the ability to hit [ENTER] to proceed, which is much faster. I anyway prefer using the keyboard instead of the mouse, I «tab» to the relevant buttons, if possible. Saves oneself of constantly swapping keyboard and mouse.

I looked at the rendered code of the logout dialog box:

<!-- Start: dialog_logout -->
<div class="display_none">
	<div id="dialog_logout" class="dialog_content narrow" title="Logout">
		<div class="block">
			<div class="section">
				<h1>admin logged in on vs.legler.net</h1>
				<div class="dashed_line"></div>
				<p>Are you sure you want to logout of the system?</p>
			<div class="button_bar clearfix">
				<button class="dark no_margin_bottom link_button" data-link="/logout/true">
					<div class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></div>
				<button class="light send_right close_dialog">
					<div class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></div>
<!-- End: dialog_logout -->

With an additional type="submit" in the <button class="dark no_margin_bottom link_button" data-link="/logout/true"> tag, the logout button should react to the a hit of the [ENTER] key, I believe... The [ESC] key reacts already.

just a thought...

Best regards

Meaulnes Legler
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ www.WaveWeb.ch  ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Zurich, Switzerland ~
~ tel: +41 44 2601660 ~

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