[BlueOnyx:20502] Cure: Server certificate is expired: 'Server-Cert'

Tigerwolf tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Wed Jan 11 11:50:17 -05 2017

I began to see a ton of these in the httpd error log on several boxes:

[Sun Jan 08 04:43:20 2017] [error] Server certificate is expired: 

It's not to clear what cert it's griping about, but the errors persisted 
even after checking/updating the GUI-managed certs.  Even fresly mented 
self signed ones didn't stop the errors.

After some digging, I found a fix:

According to

  the problem is related to mod_nss.  Its cert generated on initial install 
is too old.  The cert and related files live in /etc/httpd/alias/.

The cure per the article is to re-install mod_nss to generate a new cert 
and related files:

    rpm -e mod_nss           -Remove current mod_nss package
    rm /etc/httpd/alias/*    -Clean out old cert directory
    yum install mod_nss      -Do fresh install of mod_nss package
    service httpd restart    -Kick httpd sever to read new certs

That seems to have worked.

I hope this can save the time for others to track this down.

It would be good, if possible, for the error message to specify *which* 
cert it's complaining about.

=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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