[BlueOnyx:20507] Re: DNS Import problems

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Jan 13 16:08:25 -05 2017

Hi Michael,

> I am migrating from a 5208R to a 5209R and I am having problems with the DNS
> import.
> I copied all the dns zone files to /tmp/dns_import and then ran 
> /usr/sausalito/sbin/dnsImport.pl /tmp/dns_import

As per http://www.blueonyx.it/index.php?page=cmu-migrations the
DNS-Import works this way:

3.) Remove all existing DNS record. The CMU-Import may have created some
records, so do not skip this step:

/usr/sausalito/sbin/dnsDeleteAllRecords.pl --delete-confirm

Unpack the named.tar.gz tarball:

cd /home/export/extra
tar zxvf named.tar.gz

Next we need to do some cleanup and just copy what we need over to

mkdir /home/export/extra/dns
cp /home/export/extra/var/named/chroot/var/named/db*.*
rm /home/export/extra/dns/*~

You may not have deleted the "*~" files, which could have caused the issue.

Now we have all primary records in the directory /home/export/extra/dns/
ready for import.

Import all DNS zone files:

/usr/sausalito/sbin/dnsImport.pl /home/export/extra/dns

> [root at mp etc]# systemctl status named.service

As you have already discovered: The command is actually this:

systemctl restart named-chroot.service

Other than that: If named-chroot fails to start, then /var/log/messages
usually should tell you why it refuses to start.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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