[BlueOnyx:20536] Re: Server IP after migration

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Jan 17 14:00:31 -05 2017

Hi Michael,

> Is there any way to force it so it goes back to the way the old server  was
> and I free up the .132 address again?

You can use this script as root for changing the IP's of Vsites. It's
part of BlueOnyx, so you already have it on your server.

]# /usr/sausalito/sbin/MassIPChange.pl --help

MassIPChange.pl V2.0
This script can change all VSitess with a certain old IP to a specified
new IP.

To use it, run it with the followinng parameters:

/usr/sausalito/sbin/MassIPChange.pl -o old-ip -n new-ip

As for the AdmServ issue: Today I had to run some out of office errands,
but in a few hours I'm back I'll take another look.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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