[BlueOnyx:21108] AV-SPAM

Jeff Folk jfolk at qzoneinc.com
Sat Jun 10 17:22:52 -05 2017

Good afternoon (well, it is afternoon somewhere),

I am really enjoying the AV-SPAM package on a couple of my servers. Doing a very nice job. A number of my users have reported it does TOO GOOD a job.

I’m finding that the greylist-milter foils lots of spam, and most users are okay with the small delay when they don’t have to clean out their inbox so much.

I was having trouble receiving anything from AOL, however. AOL users were getting bounce messages from AOL saying that the recipient’s server was not responding. Not so, I see AOL servers trying to send and the greylist counting down. Using my own AOL account I noticed that AOL has been attempting delivery only TWICE, then sending the AOL user a delivery failure notice. It looks like AOL makes the second attempt 5-7 minutes later, so I had to set the greylist delay to 5 minutes (the minimum).

That seems to allow AOL mail into the server again. Anyone else have issues with AOL incoming?

Have a great weekend,

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