[BlueOnyx:23464] Re: Azure 5209R VPS failure to add additional admin

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Nov 16 01:52:12 -05 2019

Hi Lee,

> More than happy to be the guinea pig on this one Michael, it 
> might even allow a bit more dev access for BlueOnyx on Azure.

Very well. I have something ready for testing. On your 5209R edit
/etc/yum.repos.d/BlueOnyx.repo and in the [BlueOnyx-5209R-Testing]
section of it change the enabled=0 to enabled=1

Then do a "yum clean all" and "yum update".

That will install quota-4.0.4 and the following updated BlueOnyx modules:


Afterwards your 5209R will be able to handle User and Vsite creation on
XFS filesystems as well.

I tested it on a 5209R that I upgraded with it and also by doing a
CentOS 7 install (with default partitioning - which means XFS) and doing
a manual 5209R install on top of it.

There are still some kinks in base-blueonyx that need to be ironed out
to make a fresh (manual) install smoother. But these kinks won't affect
you during a YUM update of an existing 5209R.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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