[BlueOnyx:23294] Re: "Easy Migrate" released \o/

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Oct 9 20:04:58 -05 2019

Hi Ernie,

> I am playing with easy-migrate on the 5210R test server.
> When I try and get a vsite list from a 5107R server I get the following
> error message.
>  Can't locate JSON.pm in @INC

Yeah, I can see why you get that. The 5107R and 5108R that I tested
Easy-Migrate against both had perl-JSON already installed and the
em-helper.pl that Easy-Migrate SCP's to the source servers for
information gathering uses it as dependency.

But a "stock" 5107R/5108R might not yet have perl-JSON installed.

This is easy to fix, though:

yum install perl-JSON

It's in the regular SL6 or CentOS 6 YUM repositories. Just install it
and it should work. I'll overhaul Easy-Migrate a little that it tries to
fetch and install the dependencies on source servers if they're missing.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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