[BlueOnyx:24144] Re: *bump* mail directly to all users of a domain

Meaulnes Legler bluelist at waveweb.ch
Fri Jul 31 02:18:26 -05 2020

thank you Michael! I'll try it out on the next newsletter...

ベ⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

On 30.07.20 04:02, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi Meaulnes,
>> is there a possibility for an admin to send an e-mail directly, or
>> internally, to all users mboxes? Quasi inject the message into the mbox
>> without using the Internet?
> Yes. Use the GUI and on one of the Vsites on this box create the user
> "mailall".
> Once he is created, go to that user "mailall" and in the "Basic
> Settings" tab tick the checkbox "Email Forwarding" "Enable".
> Under "Email Addresses" enter your own email address.
> Then login to the box via SSH as user "admin" and "su -" to become "root".
> Then run this command:
> /usr/sausalito/sbin/get_quotas.pl |awk '{print $1}'|grep -v ^mailall$ >>
> ~mailall/.forward
> That will append a list of all GUI created user names (excluding system
> users) and will append them to the .forward file of user "mailall".
> When you now send an email to user "mailall" on that box, then *all*
> users that exist on the BlueOnyx will receive a copy of that email as well.
> HOWEVER: You really *SHOULD* delete the ~mailall/.forward file after you
> are done. Just disabling "Email Forwarding" will not remove the extra
> users from the .forward file.
> You *have* to do this, because any SPAM that makes it through and gets
> to this account *will* be passed on to all users as well. Which is
> something you definitely don't want.
> Likewise: Be careful how you craft the email you sent. The "reply to"
> address in that email should *not* be "mailall@<whatever>", because then
> recipients replying to that email will have their replies send to all
> other users as well.
> That's why this should really only be used once and then immediately be
> disabled by removing the ~mailall/.forward file.

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