[BlueOnyx:23743] Re: Easy Migrate

Maurice de Laat mdlaat at muisnetwerken.nl
Wed Mar 11 10:57:18 -05 2020

Hi Richard,


On 11-03-20 16:38, Richard Sidlin wrote:
> BUT, when I run this command, I'm still prompted for a password:
> [root at web ~]# sshroot at
> root at's password:
> Sorry about this guys!

Since your identity is not stored in the default file, you also need to 
specifiy that with the ssh command:
ssh -i /root/ssh1103.pub root at
And that one will probably not ask for a password anymore, since you 
copied that identity already to

Now, because easy-migrate doesn't have an option listed to tell the 
location of the identity, you will ran into troubles running 
easy-migrate. If you are not using any identification for anything else, 
you are probably best of generating a new identification in the default 
location, and copy that one, so you can use the commands without the -i 

Kind regards

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