[BlueOnyx:23817] Easy Migrate progress indication

f.kaegi at fairtalk.com f.kaegi at fairtalk.com
Mon May 4 15:30:46 -05 2020

Hi Michael

I'm now running the Easy Migrate Helper. How can I see the progress and when
a job is finished? 

As a first step I run /usr/sausalito/sbin/easy-migrate.pl --source xxxxxxxx
-p 22 --config, 
however I only see one item that seems to be migrating:
[INFO] Updating settings of 'System' NameSpace 'UserDefaults'.
And then the process seems to halt. After a while the connection goes down. 
When restarting the same process it will show me another item being migrated
but then again it gets stuck.

How can I verify what has been migrated and if the job has been finished?

Best wishes

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