[BlueOnyx:24474] Re: Letsencrypt only works for admserv

Martin Potestas lists at potestas.dk
Mon Nov 9 16:58:49 -05 2020

Evening guys,

Digged a little further and found the following:
1. If SSL isn't enabled in 5210R during site creation, it doesn't seem 
like it can be enabled afterwards. (didn't test fully, but LetsEncrypt 
doesn't work).
2. If I create a site that doesn't have any web server aliases - and 
enable SSL during creation - LetsEncrypt works fine.
3. If a site has "Web server aliases defined" - letsencrypt will not 
work - unless one removes them from "SSL domain aliases" in the request, 
and doesn't matter if "Web Alias Redirects" is turned on or not.

Michael (or any other guru) - is there a way I can force enable SSL for 
a site (now that I can't seem to enable it after creation - I have a 
site with quite a bit of data, that I'd rather not delete and recreate)

Thanks guys!

Martin Potestas

On 09-11-2020 14:49, Martin Potestas wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Hope you are doing well.
> I have created a new installation of BlueOnyx 5210R.
> In the "Server Management", I have pulled a LetsEncrypt certificate, 
> and that was assigned, and is working perfectly on port 81 - and other 
> services (email).
> After that, I have created multiple Virtual Sites, and when I go to 
> SSL settings for these sites "Enable SSL" is blocked out (no 
> checkbox), and when I hover over it, it just says "This item is 
> disabled. You do not have the privileges to modify this item".
> I thought it might just mean that it is already enabled, but when I 
> try to run LetsEncrypt on one of these sites, it doesn't assign a SSL 
> certificate.
> I checked the logfiles, including the Letsencrypt logfile. But I don't 
> even see the request.
> If I try to access any site by https - I will get the certificate for 
> the admsrv (same as port 81).
> Tried mr. Google to find a solution to this, but didn't find anything.
> Could you kindly point me in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Martin Potestas
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