[BlueOnyx:25064] dir listing of subfolders in a website

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Tue Aug 17 09:45:33 -05 2021


I'm getting old, forgot how to do it and didn't jot it down...

On the old BlueOnyx and RaQs, if one had a subdir without an index file, browsing there gave a listing of the files in that subdir, like in the example below. There was also a trick how to tamper this, maybe with an .htaccess file.

http://www.domain.tld/public/ =>
Index of /public
   Name	                 	Last modified   	Size	Description
■ Parent Directory 	 	- 	
■ PHP-file_screenshot.png	2014-11-12 15:14 	150K	
■ QNAP_TS-210_disk-usa..>	2013-07-29 16:54 	60K	
■ TimeMachine_progress..>	2013-07-29 16:55 	39K	

Of course, this wasn't very secure, but practical if handled with care. Now, on the new subdomains of a 5210R, this listing doesn't work work anymore, one gets only a «File not found». The index file in the root dir displays, tho, also addressing a file in the subdir

http://user.domain.tld/public/ =>
File not found.

http://www.domain.tld/ =>
index.html is rendered

http://user.domain.tld/public/Picture003.jpg =>
picture is displayed

The subdirs are readable by all:
ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 user site7 19,826 2003.11.02-00:00 Jack-O-Latern-2003.jpg
drwxr-sr-x 2 user site7  4,096 2015.02.19-15:31 NewZealand/
drwxrwsr-x 2 user site7  4,096 2017.05.24-12:12 public/

I couldn't find anything helping me out in the GUI... Could somebody please tell me how to get the dir listing of a subfolder when browsing there?

Thank you and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

I'm on *Wire* as @meaulnes — https://get.wire.com/
/no more Whatzap and so on!/

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