[BlueOnyx:24867] Re: Freshclam update

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Sat Mar 27 12:45:11 -05 2021

Hi Christoph,

    Sorry to interfere here, but I have seen something similar this week and 
    thought I'd mention it.

    It seems to me that freshclam mirrors (resp. their cloudflare frontends) 
    refuse to serve to 0.99 clients since the release of 0.103.
    They say something in their FAQ about clients being more than 3 releases 
    behind being unable to download more than 6 times a day IIRC, but from 
    my experience it seems they are blocking clients < 0.100 from 
    downloading at all.

    If you have clamav <= 0.99 that might be the reason for your problems.

Certainly not interfering - well spotted. I will check! __



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