[BlueOnyx:25167] Re: Update Monitoring

Tobias Gablunsky tobias at gablunsky.de
Fri Oct 15 03:09:54 -05 2021

Hi Michael,

this is a good starting point!

Thank you very much,

Am 14.10.2021 um 18:23 schrieb Michael Stauber:
> Hi Tobias,
>> we are monitoring the availability of os updates of all of our servers
>> with a nagios installation via querying yum.
>> I wonder how to monitor updates of the blueonyx.it packages as well - as
>> they are not fed through a yum repo. Michael, can you give a hint where
>> to look at?
> A good place to start is this Active Monitor component:
> /usr/sausalito/swatch/bin/am_updates.pl
> It polls NewLinQ and checks if there are updated PKGs available for PKGs
> that you already have installed. Active Monitor runs it every 15 minutes.
> Turn on Debugging in the script and watch /var/log/messages and if
> everything is fully up to date you'll see "PKGs are up to date." in the
> logfile.
> If you want to make it *really* simple, use this script instead:
> #---------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/sausalito/perl
> use CCE;
> my $cce = new CCE;
> $cce->connectuds();
> @am_oid = $cce->find('ActiveMonitor');
> ($ok, $AM) = $cce->get($am_oid[0]);
> ($ok, $Updates) = $cce->get($AM, 'Updates');
> if ($Updates->{'currentState'} == 'G') {
> 	print "Fully up to date\n";
> }
> else {
> 	print "Updates are available\n";
> }
> $cce->bye('SUCCESS');
> exit(0);
> #---------------------------------------------------------------
> That just polls "Active Monitor", which checks the 'Updates' NameSpace
> field 'currentState'. That has three possible values: "G", "Y", "R"
> (Green, Yellow, Red).
> If that field is not "G", then PKG Updates are available for PKGs that
> are already installed.
> If you want or need a list of PKGs that are available for install as
> updates (or in general), then it gets more complicated, but the
> principle is the same:
> Query CCE for "Package" and it will report all objects of Class
> "Package". Which includes both PKGs that are installed as well as those
> that are available on NewLinQ. Then check the field 'installState'. That
> is either set to "Available" or "Installed".
> The complicated part is comparing if a PKG of a given name (example:
> "PHP80") is present with 'installState' "Installed" and if there is
> another with the same name ("PHP80") that has the 'installState'
> "Available". If so, then this is an available update.
> Let me know if you need any more info and I'll see what I can do.

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