[BlueOnyx:25597] Re: mailman: accepting moderated emails not working

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Aug 26 00:17:23 -05 2022

Hi Patrick,

> While clicking on "submit all data" in the mailman-admin-interface I
> just get two lines in adm_access and no errors in adm_error
> ---schnipp---
> - - [23/Aug/2022:21:00:29 +0200] "GET
> /mailman/admindb/62-kdstv-listtest HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
> (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0"
> - - [23/Aug/2022:21:00:29 +0200] "GET
> /mailman/admindb/62-kdstv-listtest HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
> (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0"
> ---schnapp---
> Can this be interpreted?

No, this looks in fact fairly normal. You can see that the script calls 
triggered a "200" response, so as far as AdmServ was concerned the 
scripts did not return any error message.

> Where should I look next?
> It would be interested where/when some mailman-script should be
> triggered and if it is...?

As far as the MTA (Sendmail/Postfix) is concerned the usual handling of 
emails is done via the aliases defined in /etc/mail/aliases.mailman

But stuff that is triggered via the Mailman web interface is handled 
differently via the Python scripts of that interface.

There are also the shell commands of Mailman, which you can find in this 
directory: /usr/lib/mailman/bin/

I looked, but on first glance I can't make out a script that would allow 
to handle the queues. I haven't manually messed with the Mailman scripts 
in years, so I don't know what I could recommend at this point, sorry.

 > might it be something because that server is port-forwarded behind a
 > FW?

No, this doesn't matter. If the server can accept emails, they will be 
processed by the MTA and anything list related is passed on to the 
Mailman aliases. If you can reach the GUI and the Mailman admin pages, 
then the firewall doesn't play a role either.

Like said: I'm a bit at a wits end, as the Mailman stuff usually works 
and I myself have to touch the innards of it so rarely (once every 
couple of years) that I don't know how to approach this problem any 
further, sorry.

It could be that the configuration of that list is borked. I'd try to 
delete it and recreate it. Or see if another newly created list shows 
the same issues.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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