[BlueOnyx:25763] Re: Easy-Migrate

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sun Nov 27 14:54:28 -05 2022

Hi Keith,

> [root at dns ~]# /usr/sausalito/sbin/easy-migrate.pl --source
> -p 2223 --vsites all --nodns
> No luck
> Error is
> [MIGRATION_START] Starting Migration of Vsite all
> ERROR: Unable to get target Vsite baseline.

"Baseline" means: Easy Migrate needs to check what data formats a 
typical Vsite uses on the "target" of the migration. It then compares 
the data fields from the source with the target and sees: "Oh, this is 
the same, there is a difference, that data cell doesn't exist, that one 
has two additional options." and so on.

If you "Easy Migrate" onto an empty server there are no existing Vsites 
to make that comparison to get the "Baseline". For that reason 
Easy-Migrate then creates a temporary Vsite, does its comparison and 
then deletes that temporary Vsite. This happens real quick and usually 
you don't even notice it.

In your case it seems that the creation of that temporary Vsite failed 
for one reason or other.

Please do this: Use the GUI and create a Vsite on the target server. See 
if you get any errors and report back what they are. If you *don't* get 
an error, leave that temporary Vsite there and run Easy-Migrate again.

Once the migration is entirely done, you can delete the temporary Vsite 

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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