[BlueOnyx:26657] Re: jquery warning

Taco Scargo taco at blueonyx.nl
Tue Dec 12 09:19:58 -05 2023

Hi Tobias,

As far as I know BlueOnyx doe not use jQuery 1.7.2 anywhere.
There is some use of jQuery in the BlueOnyx UI (including apps like phpMyAdmin), but they have different (newer) version numbers.

Can you share which location was identified and how you are sure it is not the website content?

Best regards,


> On 12 Dec 2023, at 15:05, Tobias Gablunsky via Blueonyx <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it> wrote:
> Hello,
> a customer of ours has initiated a vulnerability scan of his website. An outcome of this is a warning of a vulnerable Version of jQuery: "jQueryJS 1.7.2". This version seems to be part of BlueOnyx itself.
> Short question: is it possible to update this to eliminate this warning? 
> Viele Grüße,
> i.A. Tobias Gablunsky
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