[BlueOnyx:25992] quota listing

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Thu Feb 23 08:52:08 -05 2023


I forgot the command to list all quotas of all users...

In the GUI, one can get a list in Usage Information > Disk > All Users, but a correct sorted usage is only possible in the last column (⇕percentage), the other columns are sorted «alphabetically» and not numerically, that is like

bettina	6.13MB
franco	57.99MB	
alice	568.29MB
tim	56.76MB	

568.29MB should come first and 6.13MB last, right?

The command line output can be piped with cut and sort to have the desired listing

Thank you and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland

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