[BlueOnyx:25916] Re: DKIM

Richard Sidlin richard at helpinternet.co.uk
Thu Jan 12 06:06:22 -05 2023

Hi Michael
> So if you configure and activate DKIM on the SMTP server (instead of the
> POP3/IMAP server) and use the data it provides in your DNS TXT record, then
> you should be fine.
> > I added a TXT record on the DNS server.
> >
> > I didn’t know whether the Hostname of DNS TXT Record should go in the
> > Host Name section but did add it plus I then added the full key in the
> > Text Record.
> The DNS record should looks like this:
> Hostname: 	default._domainkey
> Domain-Name:	xxxxonline.uk
> Type:		TXT
> Data:		v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0...and...so..on
> Or directly in the Bind configs it would look like this:
> default._domainkey.xxxxonline.uk.  in txt "v=DKIM1; k=rsa;
> p=MIGfMA0...and...so..on"
> The above goes all into one line and the content starting with v=DKIM1 and
> ending with the cryptic block is encased in quotation marks.
> That should do the trick then.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber

So, I need to create a virtual site on the SMTP server for the domain in question I presume? Will that not be an issue in terms of trying to deliver any incoming mail to that domain that routes through the SMTP server instead of sending it to the POP3 server where the mailbox resides?



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