[BlueOnyx:27042] Re: AV-SPAM?

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Tue Jun 11 21:48:57 -05 2024

At 11:10 AM 5/30/2024, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx wrote:
>Yes, that is a normal message you get for this command. The 
>"-restart" parameter will issue a "stop" to all AV-SPAM services first.
>Then it checks the state of all services. As they are now all 
>stopped while normally at least some of the should be on it will 
>report "AV-SPAM Email service are in failed state."

         It stopped doing that. I tried the link again, and this time, nothing:

= = = = = = =

~/> /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -restart

~/> /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -status

~/> /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -restart

~/> /usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -restart

~/> /sbin/swatch

= = = = = = =

>>Or, is there something that needs to be done to AV-SPAM to reduce 
>>it being in a "failed state?"
>Yes. Enabling/Disabling/Re-enabling SMTP and/or turning off all 
>active AV-SPAM services and turning them back on accomplishes the 
>same as the CLI command.

         AV-Spam was turned off and then on. Could not find SMTP
         in the BX AUI

>Or you could run "/sbin/swatch" from the shell. Which will check if 
>all enabled services are running and if not, it will restart the 
>services selectively. The server does this automatically every 15 minutes.

         Again ... no effect (as seen above).

>It would be best to find out what causes your outages, though. So 
>when the problem happens again? Run ...
>/usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -status


>... to check if all services that should be up are actually running. 
>And see what errors you get in /var/log/maillog at the time

         Not finding anything special... at least so far.

         Thanks in advance.


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