[BlueOnyx:27061] UserDir access failure after easy-migrate.pl

Tomohiro Hosaka bokutin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 04:31:53 -05 2024


I will share my findings in the transition from 5209R to 5210R.

# /usr/sausalito/sbin/easy-migrate.pl --source old --ip new

Accessed at http://site2.tld/~user2/
403 error.

# less /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Mon Jun 17 08:45:20.368434 2024] [core:crit] [pid 172596]
(13)Permission denied: [client] AH00529:
/home/.sites/site2/home/users/user2/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to
check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that
'/home/.sites/site2/home/users/user2/' is executable

# ls -ald /home/.sites/site*/home/users/*/
16 d--------- 15 user1   site1  4096  7月  1  2021
/home/.sites/site1/home/users/user1/  ( suspended site user )
17 drwx------  4 user2   site2   123  6月 11 14:37
/home/.sites/site2/home/users/user2/  ( not suspended site user )

UserDir format access is not available after migration with easy-migrate.pl.

5209r # ls -ald /home/.sites/*/site*/.users/*/*
16 d--------- 15 user1   site1  4096  7月  1  2021
/home/.sites/XX/site1/.users/XX/user1/  ( suspended site user )
17 drwxrws--x  4 user2   site2   123  6月 11 14:37
/home/.sites/XX/site2/.users/XX/user2/  ( not suspended site user )

It seems that "chmod 4771 /home/.sites/site2/home/users/user2" is
required to make it similar to 5209r.


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