[BlueOnyx:02996] Security "Failed Logins"

Administrator Administrator at networkdesignsinc.com
Tue Dec 1 15:25:37 -05 2009

Hello all,


I see many familiar names over the years.


I just installed the 5.4 Blue Onyx with all yum updates and it is active
and functioning 80%. One issue, I am getting many calls from people
being prompted for username and password. I have narrowed it down to the
"Failed Logins". I have gone into the Login Manager and made the
following adjustments.


User purge  "1h"

Host purge "1h"

User rule disabled

Host rule disabled


I am still getting failures but I now have green lights opposed to red
lights, the  /etc/security/pam_abl.conf  is full of data, but I cannot
interrupt whether it is blocking or not.


I did not have this issue with a 5.3 version and it is working fine, I
did a comparison on both GUI's to verify that I have them set correctly
and similar, they are.


Can anyone guide me to the right direction to resolving this
permanently, I would like to shut this service off as its not needed as
our firewalls only allow certain IP's in.


Alternatively if I could calm it down with disabling the service that
would be fine too.


Or if I am off on tangent and its another issue please advise.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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