[BlueOnyx:03176] Re: ProFTP connection speed

Stephanie Sullivan ses at aviaweb.com
Sun Dec 27 14:19:08 -05 2009


> >   IdentLookups off
> >   UseReverseDNS off
> Yes, I have both of those set, so it had to be something DNS related.
> Funny thing is, now that I left an FTP session active and NOOPing, I
> tried it again and it'sback to no delay.  Odd.

As I recall they are in two places in proftpd.conf which I suspect you
already noticed.

> I have thought about this, because this effects the way IPs/resolved
> IPs are displayed in the last log.  Do you have a reason you prefer it on?

To be able to use symbolic ranges in hosts.deny for example
proftpd: .cn .kr

On the other hand, maybe it's xinetd that is doing the reverse lookups and
causing the delays... have you looked at /etc/xinetd.d/proftpd ??? Maybe
there is something there I didn't consider in my previous comments and
messing with this problem on my own servers.


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