[BlueOnyx:03209] ProFTPd resume issues

Willie Yeo willie at singapore.com
Thu Dec 31 19:05:58 -05 2009

I'm having issues trying to find the fault for this:
------ from a linux box -----
User someuser logged in
Logged in to x.x.x.x.                                                                                                 
ncftp / > put somefile.tar.gz
The remote file "somefile.tar.gz" already exists.
    Local:    1668143525 bytes, dated Sun Dec 20 17:55:13 2009.
    Remote:    524697600 bytes, dated Fri Jan  1 02:27:39 2010.

    [O]verwrite?  [R]esume?  [A]ppend to?  [S]kip?  [N]ew Name?
    [O!]verwrite all?  [R!]esume all?  [S!]kip all?  [C]ancel  > R
put somefile.tar.gz: server said: mailbackup.tar.gz: Append/Restart not permitted, try again

------ end a linux box -----
I checked the BlueOnyx (latest patched, etc ...) proFTPd conf,
------ server -----
# Allow to resume not only the downloads but the uploads too
AllowRetrieveRestart        on 
AllowStoreRestart               on

<VirtualHost x.x.x.x>
    DefaultRoot     / wheel
        DefaultRoot             / admin-users
        DefaultRoot             ~/../../.. site-adm
        DefaultRoot             ~ !site-adm
        AllowOverwrite  on
        DefaultChdir            /web
        DisplayLogin    .ftphelp

------ send server -----

Well, ProFTPd seems to be correctly configured, but why didn't it allow a resume ?

Thanks in advance.

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