[BlueOnyx:01218] Re: Blue Quartz - Blue Onyx - my random thoughts

Ralf Quint Smoothwall at gmx.net
Wed May 13 15:14:15 -05 2009

At 12:41 PM 5/13/2009, Martyn Bailey wrote:
>I sincerely hope this doesn't upset anyone - it's intended to provoke
>discussion, not cause conflict.

Well, let's just add my POV on this...

I have used Cobalt RAQ4s in the past and when looking a couple of 
years ago into something similar that would run on newer hardware and 
not being limited to proprietary (and outdated) hardware as the 
RAQ/Qube, which was EOL already anyway.

Low and behold, I found BlueQuartz, downloaded and installed it and 
got pretty much what I was used to on a Cobalt box.
But everything Internet and Linux related has developed since the 
Cobalt software was open sourced, but when try to follow the 
development of BlueQuartz, well, ..., there was none.
For more than a year, nothing really happened, the project seemed all 
but dead. And then Nuonce closed shop, the only way (at least for non 
Japanese savvy folks) to get a downloadable ISO image.
So I went on to search something new, that would be better supported 
and developed, and quickly found BlueOnyx.
Downloaded, installed and everything was up and running again in a 
breeze. Joined the mailing list and after a little snag with my 
(gmail) email address that I used, there was even activity on that list!
Running on a MUCH newer Linux base, and a pretty well supported (CentOS) too.

Within a few weeks, there was even an update of the software 
available, ok, still will a few glitches. But there was someone who 
was actually responding to the problems, and there was a solution for 
the problems as well.

For me, it doesn't matter that much if the project is a one man show 
or not, as long something is happening.

Still waiting for a first response from BlueQuartz send almost two years ago...


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