[BlueOnyx:02413] caddvsite quota option is missing

savvas savvas at netmail.com.cy
Wed Sep 16 15:15:10 -05 2009

  Hi, I am trying to create a script to automate the creation of vsites
and tried to use _caddvsite _but it doesn't give me an option to set the
disk quota. Is there any way to enable it? Here is the options of caddvsite
# /usr/sbin/caddvsite
Usage /usr/sbin/caddvsite [OPTION]...
[--apop, -o, --enable-apop] [--catchall=string, -k, --enable-catchall]
[--cgi, -c, --enable-cgi] [--domain=string, --domainname, -d]
[--fpx=string, -x, --enable-fpx] [--ftp, -f, --enable-ftp]
[--ftpConn=integer, -z, --ftp-maxconn] [--ftpQuota=integer, -m,
--ftp-quota] [--help, -h, -?] [--host=string, --hostname, -n]
[--ipaddr=string, -i, --ipaddress] [--java, -j, --enable-java]
[--mailAliases=list, -e, --mail] [--maxusers=integer, -u, --max] [--php,
-p, --enable-php] [--quick, -Q] [--shell, -t, --enable-shell] [--ssi, -s,
--enable-ssi] [--ssl, -l, --enable-ssl] [--volume=string, -v]
[--webAliases=list, -w, --web]
 Thanks in advance Savvas
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