[BlueOnyx:02415] Re: caddvsite quota option is missing

Ken Marcus - Precision Web Hosting, Inc kenlists at precisionweb.net
Wed Sep 16 15:46:27 -05 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: savvas

I am trying to create a script to automate the creation of vsites and tried 
to use caddvsite but it doesn't give me an option to set the disk quota.
Is there any way to enable it?
Here is the options of caddvsite
# /usr/sbin/caddvsite
Usage /usr/sbin/caddvsite [OPTION]...
[--apop, -o, --enable-apop] [--catchall=string, -k, --enable-catchall] 
[--cgi, -c, --enable-cgi] [--domain=string, --domainname, -d] 
[--fpx=string, -x, --enable-fpx] [--ftp, -f, --enable-ftp] 
[--ftpConn=integer, -z, --ftp-maxconn] [--ftpQuota=integer, -m, --ftp-quota] 
[--help, -h, -?] [--host=string, --hostname, -n] 
[--ipaddr=string, -i, --ipaddress] [--java, -j, --enable-java] 
[--mailAliases=list, -e, --mail] [--maxusers=integer, -u, --max] 
[--php, -p, --enable-php] [--quick, -Q] [--shell, -t, --enable-shell] 
[--ssi, -s, --enable-ssi] [--ssl, -l, --enable-ssl] [--volume=string, -v] 
[--webAliases=list, -w, --web]

Thanks in advance

Does this work?


Ken Marcus
Ecommerce Web Hosting by
Precision Web Hosting, Inc.

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