[BlueOnyx:02518] Re: FTP Question

Gregg greggk1 at cox.net
Tue Sep 29 18:27:20 -05 2009

Gregg wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a client who wants users 1 through 10 for example to share an FTP
> directory /home/shared/work for example.
> Every time the users ftp in, they ftp into their own private directory.
> there a way of either making them log in to that shared directory, or
> linking that shared directory to their personal directory? I tried
> links and those did not work.
> Any suggestions?

I'm probably missing a point here, but...

If you have 10 users who all want access to the same stuff, why not just 
give those 10 users the same login?  Seems that would cut a lot of 
hassle and permissions issues.

But like I said, I'm probably missing a point.

I thought of that too, but these 10 users may also have their own private
email account on the server.

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