[BlueOnyx:03395] Re: Shared MySQL - Vsite Deleted

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Thu Jan 21 18:43:54 -05 2010

Dr. Blunt wrote:
> You are probably correct but I it goes back to the DOS days
> using Xtree to get around. Perhaps not knowing a site had
> ~~carte blanche~~  to remove Dbs that was not exclusive
> to that site was a tough bite to chew. OKay -- I have learned my
> lesson.

Again, the system has no idea about MySQL databases that are "exclusive"
or "non-exclusive" to a site.  That's not really a concept BlueOnyx
deals with.   But when you manually input the details of the database
into the MySQL configuration of the site under site management, you are
granting that site control of the database.

This isn't an error or oversight in the system design so much as it is
(arguably) a failure to understand how the system is designed.

To help clarify in the case of the later, the MySQL configuration there
on the BlueOnyx Site Admin is really so that there is a way - via the BX
GUI - to set up a new MySQL database and give a site admin the ability
to do the same.  (Recall in BlueQuartz there was no provision to create
a database - that had to be done in a separate step either via CLI or
3rd party phpMyAdmin.)

> Perhaps a screen pops up and says we are going to delete these files
> "associated with this site regardless if someone else is using them" ??

Shouldn't that sort of be presumed?  :)   You're deleting the site and
everything defined by it (users, MySQL, DNS, stored email, web files...)

Since you TOLD BlueOnyx that it has full control of the MySQL database,
it simply did as it was instructed when you deleted the site.   If you
had not told BX all the particulars on the MySQL DB, it would have left
it alone since BX never would have gone looking for it (since it
wouldn't know what to look for, follow?)

Bottom line:  do NOT enter your manually created database into the MySQL
configuration of the site management page unless you want to give cce
complete authority over it.

Hopefully that helps to clear things up a bit.   Happy BlueOnyx-ing!

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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