[BlueOnyx:03423] av-spam sendmail questions: message size, too many recipients, greylisting

Jim Dory jdory at nomealaska.org
Fri Jan 22 15:48:34 -05 2010

I recently migrated from bluequartz to blueonyx using cmuExport-Import.
Got everything seemingly working ok - and then a day or two later 
installed the ClamAv and AV-Spam packages.

Today I had a user trying to send a couple Excel spreadsheets to about 
30 people and got an error saying both too large size of email and too 
many recipients. On the old server, there is a line in the sendmail.cf
#O MaxRecipientsPerMessage=0
that is commented out. On the new server, that line is not commented out 
and says =25.  So my question is, as I don't see it in the sendmail.mc 
file, if something I installed in the spam packages changed it or if it 
is now just the default on a sendmail upgrade? If not changed by 
spamassassin, then I worry about editing the sendmail.cf file directly 
as the header in it says not to. (I've done it for now - but not sure it 
won't be overwritten down the line). Otherwise it would be great to know 
where the spam config would be that I would adjust.

Another part of that is message size. In the server GUI under the Email 
settings the Maximum Email Size is blank, which should mean there is no 
limit set. In the sendmail.cf file, there is a line:
#O MaxMessageSize=0
But the user is getting the error saying his message is too large when 
hitting the Send in Thunderbird.
I think the solution here might be to just set a high enough limit in 
the GUI, but wondering why things are as they are.

Third question on greylisting:
In the server GUI under AV-SPAM/Settings/SpamAssassin is Whitelist From:
I've put in
(I read an older Cobalt manual that used that syntax). In the 
/etc/mail/greylist.conf I've got the default line:
list "my network" addr  { }
and the line
acl whitelist list "my network"
near the bottom of the file. Our subnets fall into the 10.xxx.0.0/8 
realm. But, it is taking perhaps over an hour now to send mail within 
our organization to each other or from an alternative domain we have 
here from another ISP provider (ci.nome.ak.us). The default line in the 
greylist.conf file about "acl greylist default delay 5m autowhite 3d" is 

help appreciated..  Jim

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