[BlueOnyx:04950] Re: Secure FTP options with BX?

Jeff Jones jeffrhysjones at mac.com
Mon Jul 5 13:39:41 -05 2010

Thanks Michael, sorry for the misunderstanding but I have asked this before, and we didn't come to a resolution.

The TLS Auth thing, I take it that is a conf. file hack - or should I be seeing these settings under the FTP service in the GUI? I don't see any.

I would also like to force TLS, is that possible?

If it is a conf file hack could you point us in the direction of the docs?



Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Jul 2010, at 18:46, Michael Stauber <mstauber at blueonyx.it> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
>> To me it's my biggest BX gripe - lack of secure file transfer for users
>> built in.
> Really? Because that has been implemented in BlueOnyx since very early on.
> Our ProFTP supports both "Auth SSL" and "Auth TLS", so you can securely 
> connect to FTP. The only downside is that it uses a self signed SSL 
> certificate, so you get the certificate warning every time you connect, but 
> other than that it works just fine.
> We didn't enable SFTP (which is another way of securely connecting to FTP), 
> because that would really be pretty complicated in our given setup and would 
> require quite a few architectural changes.
>> The new suPHP is the answer is our CMS nightmares, just as long as samba
>> can force the permissions, at the moment it's not behaving.
> Did you try to re-configure your Samaba to use "force user" and/or "force 
> group"? With that you can force it to write created files to a certain UID or 
> GID as specified in smb.conf.
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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