[BlueOnyx:04157] php-based Authorize.net script

Adam Lepp a at netqb.com
Tue Mar 30 21:37:35 -05 2010

Greetings Everyone!
I have the php-based Authorize.net credit card processing script (the AIM
version from authnetscripts.com) on a website.
It worked great for several years on my (previous) BQ server.
With my recent upgrade to BX, it now produces the error:

"We're Sorry your credit card was declined for the following reason: 
Credit card number is required. 
Please click here to submit your transaction again."

This is despite the fact that all fields are filled out with valid
I've suspected a cURL or OpenSSL error, but those modules are installed.

I'm using Solarspeed's PHP-5.2.13. Thinking this might be the problem, I
tried uninstalling, presumably to revert to the standard php, but then php
didn't work at all. After re-installed PHP-5.2.13, other php-based pages
worked again, and the problem described above returned. Even including
php-based e-commerce modules using (my preferred credit card processing
provider) ECHO function as well as they always have.

Has anyone had a similar experience?  I'm tempted to re-install cURL via
curl.haxx.se but am afraid that this could further complicate things. 

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