[BlueOnyx:04672] Re: Read only gui user

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu May 27 06:53:25 -05 2010

Hi enid vx,

> But is there a way that this feature could be enabled in the future?

I don't want to rule it out entirely, but would it really be that practical? 
After all, what you yourself need it it for is a very limited purpose and most 
BlueOnyx users wouldn't really benefit from it.

You said you want someone else but you to be able to see the list of over 
quota sites and users.

That list is - since a few updates ago - available through "Active Monitor" / 
"Disk Usage". But of course you'll need to be server admin or "extra-admin" in 
order to see that.

Alternatively you could run a cronjob with this command in it (it's a long one 

/usr/sausalito/sbin/get_quotas.pl --users --sort=usage --descending |  awk 
'{if (($2 > $3)&&($3 != 0)) print $1}'

That generates a list of all user accounts that are over quota. Your cronjob 
could then simply email that output to an interested third party and you'd be 
done with it. 

No GUI access needed there. And what good would a read-only admin account do, 
if one can only monitor everything (including the quota), but not be able to 
fix anything? :o)

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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