[BlueOnyx:05865] Nov 09 06:00:40 Updated: proftpd-1.3.3c-1BX1.i386

Darrell D. Mobley dmobley at uhostme.com
Tue Nov 16 19:17:01 -05 2010

Apparently YUM and BX knew how I wanted to run my FTP services better than I
did.  When it auto-installed on November 9th, fortunately it created a
backup copy of the existing ProFTP configuration file named "
proftpd.conf.pre-1.3.2a" and then installed its own default configuration.
In the process, it changed the MacClients set from what I had it set to to

# begin global -- do not delete
MaxClients 50

In the global section, where PassivePorts is defined, it discarded my
setting to turn IdentLookups off.  Just threw it away.

# Normally, we want users to do a few things.
  PassivePorts 49152 65534
  IdentLookups                  off 

While it was tossing things away, it tossed the entire section of one site's
configuration that had an anonymous FTP server configured.  Only when users
started contacting me that they couldn't connect, and ultimately couldn't
connect to the website as well, I learned that DFix was blocking their IPs
as hackers, since they couldn't log on anonymously any longer.

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