[BlueOnyx:09174] Re: Some kind of attack?

Maurice de Laat mdlaat at muisnetwerken.nl
Tue Dec 6 18:37:06 -05 2011

Hi Rashid

On Tue, Dec 06, 2011 at 06:10:17PM -0500, Abdul Rashid Abdullah wrote:

> I just had a situation in which my server became overwhelmed.  Fortunately
> I was able to login and found a lot of processes such as the following on
> the system:
> root      5031 18125  0 17:21 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: server
> 115-64-9-98.static.tpgi.com.au [] cmd read
> I stopped sendmail services and then restarted them which killed of all of
> these processes.  What else should I do and is there a vulnerability in
> the system that is being exploited?  Does it require a patch or is it a
> configuration issue?

I had something simular a few weeks ago. In my case it was someone who 
succesfully did a brute force attack on the POP3 protocol, which allowed 
them to use the server as a smtp server.

You could check the mailqueue (command mailq) to see if there are a lot of 
outgoing messages waiting to be send. Mailq displays the messagenumber, 
which on turn can be found in the maillog giving you the local user that 
sent the message.
Maurice de Laat

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