[BlueOnyx:09204] Re: migration problems BQ to BO

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.net
Sat Dec 10 19:50:58 -05 2011

Chuck Tetlow wrote:
>  What in the world would be the purpose of:
> That seems like a ridiculous set of steps and gets you right back onto a
> BlueQuartz machine!!

I believe he went back to BQ to see if the passwords were OK as a test....

> To date, I've converted about fourteen BlueQuartz servers to BlueOnyx. 
> Every one of them was done:
> 1)cmuExport sites and MySQLDump all databases on BlueQuartz server,
> 2)wipe and reload machine with BlueOnyx,
> 3)cmuImport sites and cat databases to MySQL server,
> with the only thing left to do is fix any sites using Joomla, Wordpress,
> or similar packages that puts the full path in its configuration file
> (since the site# usually changes in the cmuExport/cmuImport process).
> The only issue I've had with passwords - while BlueOnyx does a password
> security/strength check on all passwords you put in, cmuImport bypasses
> that process.  So idiots on the old BlueQuartz server with passwords
> like "123456", "password", or the same as the username had that poor
> password on the new BlueOnyx server.  And the inevitable hacking found
> them/exploited the BlueOnyx server just as they had on the BlueQuartz
> servers. 
> So I had to institute a policy of running "Jack the Ripper" against
> password files when converting - and then suspending any users with
> easily guessed passwords until they'd been updated on the new BlueOnyx
> server.  But other than that - I've never had a password problem with
> using cmuExport/cmuImport.
> Chuck
> *--------- Original Message -----------*
> From: "J. Ronken" <jw at ronken.net>
> To: <blueonyx at blueonyx.it>
> Sent: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 16:50:52 -0600
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:09201]  migration problems BQ to BO
>> Hi,
>> I have problems migrating from BlueQuartz to BlueOnyx (one of our old
> mailservers is still running bluequartz, but needs to be replaced now).
>> We used nuonce system backup function (a frontend to raqbackup.sh) for
> the export and then import on the BlueOnyx box.
>> All sites and users import fine, however there are some (no idea yet
> how many of the total) users where the password is not valid (checking
> mail or ssh login).
>> What I figured out so far:
>> 1. Cmu.xml contains the encrypted passwords when exporting from BQ.
>> 2. After an import in BO and then exporting it again, the new cmu.xml
> has the same encrypted passwords, importing these in BQ works fine.
>> 3. Until now, it seems that only a few users (2 of 20 tested, but that
> is still 20%!) have this problem.
>> What can be the cause of this? 
>> Thanks
>> jan
> *------- End of Original Message -------*
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