[BlueOnyx:09227] multi login attempts

cwallace at wcnet.org cwallace at wcnet.org
Tue Dec 13 17:27:19 -05 2011

while pam is nice it dosnt block from mutiple name attacks. it only seems
to block if the same name is failed at x number times. which is set in the
admin screen.

I am not ver good at making linux scripts but having to deal with the
attempted hacking latly I would like to see if someone would have any idea
on how to make the following script.

I would like a script when there is a login attempt from an ip address
that if it is tried x number of times that ip address is block in the
iptables for y time.

x would be a varible that would be the number of times allowed before the
ip is blocked.

y would be the duration that the ip would be blocked in the iptables.

I think this would greatly help me in stoping the dos attacking I been
having on our blueonyx server stacks.

would even be more awesome if this was added to the admin screens of

thx in advanced for any help.


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