[BlueOnyx:06213] Re: 64 bit BlueOnyx (Was: BX upgrade path)

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Jan 1 08:51:08 -05 2011

Hi Dan,

> IMHO a 64bit OS is only as good as the 64bit programs that it runs.

Of course.
> Out of interest do we know how many of the apps we use within BlueOnyx 
> have been properly rebuilt to take advantage of 64bit instead of just 
> being compiled as 64bit?

No idea, really. You'd have to dive into the sources or would have to try to 
find something on the RedHat website. The last serious 64-bit testing I did 
was with FC12. On the same reasonably specced box the 32-bit install was 
flying, while the 64-bit install felt like driving a car with the handbrake 
pulled all the way AND having a boat anchor dropped out of the window. But 
that was a workstation with KDE4, so it can hardly be used for reference.

Us developers talked long and hard about the 64-bit version and what benefits 
(if any) it would have for us. Personally the only benefits I'd imagine for 
BlueOnyx would be marketing wise, as in practical terms most users wouldn't 
notice a difference between 32-bit and 64-bit performance, as the usual stuff 
they use runs equally well (or equally bad) on both architectures. 

Some will certainly dissagree there and point out that a MySQLd optimized for 
64-bit outperforms a 32-bit MySQLd, or will point to the more efficient memory 
management (PAE hacks no longer needed!) and pipelining in a 64-bit kernel. 
Which are all valid points. However, "out in the field" and during normal day 
to day operations on an average BX box that may not amount to much of a 

All in all it will be wise to have both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of 
BlueOnyx so that people can choose the one they need or want. 

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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