[BlueOnyx:06214] Re: 64 bit BlueOnyx (Was: BX upgrade path)

Dogsbody dan at dogsbody.org
Sat Jan 1 10:01:44 -05 2011

> Us developers talked long and hard about the 64-bit version and what benefits
> (if any) it would have for us.

Ahh, sorry, didn't mean to replicate a discussion you had on the dev 
list :-)

> Some will certainly dissagree there and point out that a MySQLd optimized for
> 64-bit outperforms a 32-bit MySQLd, or will point to the more efficient memory
> management (PAE hacks no longer needed!) and pipelining in a 64-bit kernel.
> Which are all valid points. However, "out in the field" and during normal day
> to day operations on an average BX box that may not amount to much of a
> difference.

I guess Apache will be a big indicator of this.  As I understand it, 
even with PAE each application can't use over 3GB RAM.  I imagine this 
could be a bottleneck as servers get bigger.

> All in all it will be wise to have both a 32-bit and 64-bit version of
> BlueOnyx so that people can choose the one they need or want.

Sounds good :-)


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