[BlueOnyx:06300] blocking my home computer from web/email

Jim Dory jdory at nomealaska.org
Thu Jan 13 15:53:48 -05 2011

  Something is blocking my home linux box from accessing the work web 
and email server. I was trying to test last night whether I had the smtp 
sending of mail working from another ISP and could not get the website 
or email.

I have a router at home on DHCP connected to the local cable co. Our 
work internet is provided by different provider. If I choose to set up a 
static IP on the home router with a slightly different IP address  (I 
pinged for a close number to make sure it wasn't currently used) then I 
could connect to our work web/email.

I do have deny.hosts installed but nothing in the log file about it.

If I cat messages or dmesg I see these kind of errors, even though my 
home computer is on "sleep" and my attempts were last night (I've munged 
the IP address):

> Jan 13 11:30:03 svr2 cced(smd)[3057]: client 0:[0:3041]: SET  124 
> timestamp = 1294950602 blocking = 0 failcnt = 8 host_ip = 
> "66.58.xxx.xxx" host_fqdn = "xxx-xxx-58-66.gci.net"


> Jan 13 04:41:35 svr2 kernel: IN=eth0 OUT= 
> MAC=00:24:e8:7a:be:f6:00:16:c7:9f:78:98:08:00 SRC=66.58.xxx.xxx 
> DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42 ID=40022 DF PROTO=TCP 
> SPT=58388 DPT=110 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

Where do I look?

thanks, Jim

Jim Dory
City of Nome
PO Box 281
102 Division St.
Nome, AK 99762


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