[BlueOnyx:07871] Re: 5107R progress with PKG providers

Greg Kuhnert gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au
Wed Jul 27 15:24:32 -05 2011

On 28/07/2011 5:42 AM, Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet wrote:
> We have a handful of customers requiring new BlueOnyx installations.
> Although 5107R is still in Beta release, all indications are that it
> seems stable and functional.  Therefore, some of these customers are
> wondering if it makes sense to go ahead with 5107R now.   In nearly all
> cases, the question has come up as to how far along (or away) the 3rd
> party PKG providers (ie: Solarspeed, Compass Networks) are with regard
> to releasing their software on the 5107R platform.
> It is (or should be) well understood that PKGs developed for earlier
> versions of BX/BQ are NOT compatible with and should not be installed on
> 5107R.   It is with that caveat in mind that I ask the question.
> I ask publicly not to be discourteous to the vendors, but rather in
> order to hopefully consolidate some information for the benefit of all
> users.  Michael, Greg... I'm not trying to put you on the spot!  The
> answer is what it is, and I'm certainly not trying to push.

1. Wham modules already rebuilt for 5107R
2. PHP and spamassassin can be rebuilt fairly easily / quickly *
3. mailscanner & mysql build system is currently mid-way through a 
redesign - so that will take a little longer.
4. I have to think a bit more about the others, but they should be 
reasonably easy.

* Disclaimer. easily/quickly does not mean tomorrow. I've landed a new 
"day job", and its eating a fair bit of my time. I'd forecast 1.5 weeks 
for this.

|   / \   Greg Kuhnert,gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au                |
|<  o>   Compass Networks - Pointing you in the right direction      |
|   \ /   See us for BlueQuartz / BlueOnyx modules and Support.       |

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