[BlueOnyx:09111] Re: Unable to delete subdomains problem

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Nov 25 12:31:42 -05 2011

Hi Chris,

> This is on a 5106R.  I have a customer that wanted to delete some
> subdomains.  He reports that when he logs in as a site admin, clicks to
> Services > Sub Domains, then clicks to remove, it never goes away.
> This is what I get in /var/log/messages:
> Nov 25 07:56:19 web cced(smd)[29534]: client 4083:[48:9727]: CREATE
> "Subdomains" "webpath" "=" "/home/.sites/66/site39/vhosts/another1125"
> "group" "=" "site39" "isUser" "=" "0" "hostname" "=" "another1125"
> Nov 25 07:56:19 web cced(smd)[29534]: LOCKDEBUG: Locked file (null):
> Success Nov 25 07:56:20 web cced(smd)[29534]: client 4083:[48:9727]:
> CREATE Subdomains failed (-9)
> Nov 25 07:56:20 web cced(smd)[29534]: LOCKDEBUG: Locked file y: No such
> file or directory
> Nov 25 07:56:20 web cced(smd)[29535]: client 4083:[48:26525]: SET  930 .
> subdomains "max_subdomains" "=" "" "vsite_enabled" "=" ""
> Nov 25 07:56:20 web cced(smd)[29535]: client 4083:[48:26525]: SET
> 930.subdomains failed (-5)

Hmm. I see four problems at once:

1.) The box is not fully YUM updated. It's still running a CCEd with the 
"LOCKEDBUG" enabled. Which isn't bad by itself, but just saying ...

2.) We get an error -9, which is a permission problem.

3.) We see CCED trying to access a non existing CODB database object, which 
implies a CODB database corruption.

4.) Finally we get -5 error message, which means an attempt to store incorrect 
data into a CODB database field. Like in this case "max_subdomains" and 
"vsite_enabled" were both empty, which probably shouldn't be the case.

Let us tackle the CODB database corruption first:

Please create a shell script on that box with this code in it:


for X in `ls /usr/sausalito/codb/objects/ | sort -n`
  MYNEXT=$(( $LAST + 1 ))
  if [ $MYNEXT -eq $X ]
    if [ $LAST -ge 1 ]
      if [ $MIN -eq $LAST ]
        echo -n $LAST,
        echo -n $MIN-$LAST,
if [ $MYNEXT -lt $X ]
  echo -n $LAST
  echo -n $MIN-$LAST

echo ""
echo "/usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids reports:"
cat /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids
echo ""

The make that script executeable and run it. It will report two lines with 
numbers, which should be totally identical if your CODB database is OK.

If there are differences, then do this:

/etc/init.d/cced.init stop

Then edit /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids and replace all numbers in it with the 
first row of numbers that the above script reported. Save the changes and 
restart CCEd:

/etc/init.d/cced.init start

That should probably fix the CODB database problem. Afterwards please try if 
that already fixed the rest of the problems as well. Probably not, but then we 
get new error messages and can take it from there.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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