[BlueOnyx:08530] Re: 5106R Majordomo vulnerability?

Christoph Schneeberger cschnee at box.telemedia.ch
Tue Sep 20 01:16:18 -05 2011

Michael Stauber wrote:
>> I agree that disabling NDA's altogether is not how I would like to see 
>> BlueOnyx packaged.   Making it a toggle in the GUI could be an option 
>> for those who think it's a good idea in their specific cases, but that 
>> is probably more trouble than it's worth.
> Yeah, taht's a good point. I'll check if I can dig up the config option for 
> Sendmail that allows turning off bounces. Couldn't find it when I was just 
> looking for it. Adding a switch to the GUI to make it configureable is 
> trivial.
Don't want to be the messenger with the bad news, but AFAIK there is no
such option in sendmail, at least I have spent quite some time in the
sendmail docs regarding this without any results.

I'd be happy to learn otherwise. Probably sendmail doesn't offer this as
it hurts the RFCs.


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