[BlueOnyx:08567] Re: Multi-language-format in many Contril Pages, on BX all version

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Thu Sep 22 23:35:38 -05 2011

Hi  Michael Stauber

>>  /bin/rm -f /usr/sausalito/ui/menu/base/swupdate/rssnews.xml

That is fine.  But I choose rename rssnews.xml.

Eiji Hamano

> Hi Eiji Hamano,
>> 1.   Recently the contents "software updates"  were all rewritten
>>       in the fixed English character format by you.
> Yes, because our Japanese translation of that module was broken. But 
> thanks to
> your help we could fix that, as you submitted an updated 
> "base-swupdate.po" in
> Japanese language.
>>       It was multi-language-format for a long time, since Cobalt 550 !
> Like said: Our ja/swupdate.po was broken somehow.  Apparently it once had 
> been
> edited with an editor that didn't support Japanese. You know how easy 
> those
> files can break if you edit them with the wrong editor. It wasn't clear 
> when
> it broke, nor if we still had a good copy somewhere in SVN. Especially
> considering that many strings had been added in between. So the old
> translation (if we still had any) was probably no good. But like already 
> said:
> Thanks to your help we now have a good copy again and it'll be released as
> update over the weekend.
>> 2.   I bought AV-SPAM5 with solarspeed.net in 2009.
>>       But recently the pages of AV-SPAM5 also changed
>>       from multi-language-format to fixed English character format.
>>       Is it related with you?
> All my PKGs come with English language files only. Even though I am 
> German, I
> don't even include a German translation. Now if someone said: "Hey, here 
> is a
> translation, please include it", then I certainly would.
>> 3.   BlueOnyx News:  Is there any feeling of adding a switch function?
>>       Please tell me the present idea.
> Eiji, is this really *such* a big issue? Goddammit. It's a new page with 
> the
> newsfeed from the BlueOnyx.it website - which is only available in English
> anyway, as *that* is the common language between us BlueOnyx users and 
> coders.
> Only the siteAdmin can see this page and nobody else. Although there are 
> now
> 15742 BlueOnyx servers out there, you're the only one who is vehemently
> outspoken against this new feature. May I ask why? And what's the problem
> there?
> Let me just tell you what would be needed to make it configureable:
> The file /usr/sausalito/ui/menu/base/swupdate/rssnews.xml would need to be
> edited to set the line '<access require="systemAdministrator"/>' to a new
> capability group that's not even there yet and which isn't assigned to 
> anyone.
> Adding new capability groups has the tendency to break things left and 
> right
> if not done carefully. So I'd rather not do that.
> So I'd need to juggle in a new capability group. That's half an hour of 
> work
> and like an hour of testing just to make sure that nothing else breaks on 
> the
> way.
> Then I'd need to modify a schema file to add a new CODB database field 
> for
> storing the data if the "BlueOnyx News" menu item is visible or not. Then 
> I'd
> have to add a GUI page for the switch and another page that parses the 
> data
> and stuffs it into CODB. Next a Perl handler needs to be created to handle 
> the
> editing of  /usr/sausalito/ui/menu/base/swupdate/rssnews.xml
> Finally the conf file needs to be updated, so that on changes of the CODB
> database field for "BlueOnyx News" the hander does its magic.
> Short of adding a new capability group, I could instead let the handler 
> wrap
> or unwrap the XML data in /usr/sausalito/ui/menu/base/swupdate/rssnews.xml
> into comments by dynamically rewriting it. But that will break some things
> hard, as comments in the XML files are not supported and will generate 
> display
> problems. So instead the content of this file must be dynamically added or 
> or
> removed. However: The next drawback is that this would require a CCEd 
> restart
> and Admserv restart to take effect. Which we can't do dynamically from 
> within
> the GUI without beaking other things, too.
> So all in all we're looking at upwards of two hours of coding and testing 
> to
> do it right. No, most likely more than that. *Just* to make it possible to
> entirely disable something that 99.99% of our users either find useful, or
> don't find any reasons to complain about.
> So let me ask you again: Why? Why is this such a big deal?
> Quite honestly: I'd rather spend that time doing something useful instead.
> Like finding out why Sendmail isn't restarted after adding or removing a 
> user.
> THAT would be something really useful.
> Here is a suggestion for you:
> /bin/rm -f /usr/sausalito/ui/menu/base/swupdate/rssnews.xml
> Problem solved.
> You can even put it in a cronjob in /etc/cron.daily/ that runs after the 
> daily
> YUM-update, so that even if a new base-swupdate is released, it'll
> automatically remove the XML file that makes the "BlueOnyx News" appear in 
> the
> GUI. The default start page of the GUI will then revert back to what it 
> was
> before.
> Now how's that for a solution?
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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