[BlueOnyx:09455] Re: 2 CMS-Systems on one webspace

Chuck Tetlow chuck at tetlow.net
Fri Jan 27 14:56:32 -05 2012

Actually, using that logic - you could put both CMS into separate user "personal webs".  User1 and User2, and make sure neither is a "site admin" - they wouldn't be able to see each other's files/CMS.  That takes care of security.

But how do you handle http requests and point them to the right directory/CMS?  You'd have to create some type of home page (maybe using PHP) in the main site /web directory that would point requests to the proper CMS based on visitor selection. 

That would force visitors to select when they hit the main page, because the system would have no way of telling which company's site a visitor is requesting (since they have a single domain).  A bit ugly - but it would work. 

And that could entail some long-term management, updating yourself.  Since neither company would have access to that "home" or "selection" page - you'd have to do any updates/changes.  Remember, if you give either company "admin" rights to be able to modify that home/selection page - they'd be able to see the other company's CMS.  So you'd get to do it.  That could either be considered long-term PIA if you're not paid for it, or long-term job security if you bill them for the time!!


---------- Original Message -----------
From: Arbalister <arbalister at gmail.com> 
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it> 
Sent: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:22:33 -0500 
Subject: [BlueOnyx:09454] Re: 2 CMS-Systems on one webspace

> Chuck - *could* put the second CMS into a user subfolder... www.somedomain.com/~user2... and only give the user rights, rather then siteadmin.  But...that's a messy kludge.
> Other then that... create 2 sites www.somesite.com and www2.somesite.com... which is also a kludge..  
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Chuck Tetlow <chuck at tetlow.net> wrote:
> Yes, you can run multiple CMS's on one site.  Just put them into uniquely named directories under /web.  The url might be www.domain.com/joomla, www.domain.com/wordpress, and www.domain.com/cms.  I've done that under one site when multiple people were learning CMSs and wanted to play with their own installation.
> BUT!  You've got a bigger problem.
> If you have two companies that both won't accept the other accessing their webspace - you can't have one domain.  That's plain and simple - it can't be done security-wise.  
> Any FTP user created in a site/domain will have access to just their home directory.  If made a "site admin", they'll gain access to the whole website, including the site's /web directory.  But you can't split up the /web directory and give one "site admin" FTP user access to one half while no access to the other half.
> Sounds like its time for a second domain - and they can fight over who gets the original name.  Because I don't think your reverse proxy idea will work either.  How would you set up the proxy to "combine" the sites??
> Chuck
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: Klein Joachim <j.klein at ibusiness.at> 
> To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it> 
> Sent: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 16:16:13 +0100 
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:09451]  2 CMS-Systems on one webspace 
> > Hy to the list! 
> > 
> > I have the following request: 
> > A customer wants that on one webspace should exists two different 
> > CMS-Systems. 
> > I think the blueonyx can handle it, but the systems are managed between two 
> > different companys and the shouldn´t get access for the other system. 
> > Also both wants to use the same domain and no sudomain (like www2). 
> > 
> > www.domain.com 
> > /cms1 -> FTP-User 1 
> > /cms2 -> FTP-User 2 
> > 
> > SuPHP is enabled because of the security and then also Userwebs are 
> > disabled. 
> > 
> > For now I have only one Idea to get this thing running: 
> > Take two websites (cms1 and cms2) and then take a reverse Proxy and 
> > combine this two. 
> > 
> > Have anyone another idea - or simplier??? 
> > Thanks 
> > Joachim 
> > 
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