[BlueOnyx:09747] php.ini, suPHP, and xdebug

Matt James matt at rainstormconsulting.com
Wed Mar 7 11:17:18 -05 2012

Hey guys,

I'm attempting to install xdebug (http://xdebug.org/) on one of our BlueOnyx servers and am having a bit of trouble.

I've compiled the .so file and have moved it to the following directory where it appears that all the other PHP modules live:

I then created a custom ini file here: 

with just a single line:
	zend_extension = /home/solarspeed/php/lib/php/20090626/xdebug.so

After restarting Apache, it still doesn't register as installed in my phpinfo() and I get no errors.

Since I'm using suPHP and have my own ini file for this site, I tried putting the zend_extension line in there too to no avail.

My questions are:
	1) What can I do to get xdebug to be installed properly?
	2) Does the /etc/php.d/custom.ini work with suPHP and a custom php.ini file?

Thanks for any help!

Matt James
Web Programmer
RainStorm Consulting
(207) 866-3908

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